Right foot TS-01040980

Right foot TS-01040980
Spare parts
  • Product currently available for delivery only in California and Minnesota
  • Please read the repair instructions potentially available by following these steps from the menu :
  • 1-Customer Service or Services
  •   2-User instructions
  •    3-Select a product
  •     4-"Documentation" section
  • Designed for (see list of compatible appliances below)

This item is compatible with 10 product(s)

Check compatibility

Reference : TS-01040980

Stock available. Delivered from France in 7 days.

Other recommended accessories:

Designed for 10 product(s)

To make sure that this item is compatible with your device, please enter your product reference in the search toolbar below or simply check the following table.

Products References Categories
Optigrill GC704553 Electrical Cooking
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